Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Residential Purchase With The Help Of A Real Estate Lawyer

real estate lawyers
I am one of your many clients who consulted a real estate lawyer during my residential purchase. I want the transaction fast and protected that is why I chose a third party to guide me with the acquisition of our present residence. After the realtors offer and quotation, my attending real estate lawyer works personally to complete the process.  My lawyer ensures that I have my name on the property I purchased.  All bank mortgage and other documentations are made sure registered to protect my interest. Most negotiations and legal issues were properly addressed. I am guided about the issues of title, property taxes, surveys, boundaries, fences and party walls which I know less. Issues about branches, trees and even concerns about encroachments and trespasses were discussed. Breach of contract, fraud and non-disclosure associated with acquiring a property were clearly talk over and expounded to me. All these information, though I can’t retain all will serve as my guide. The decision I made of consulting your firm is really worth the money I paid. 

The transaction was made fast and all necessary documents were secured. It is a lot of stress taken away from me because of my lawyer’s excellent performance. If you are the one who can afford to get a lawyer’s assistance, I suggest you to pursue doing it. There are available real estate lawyers who provide their services at reasonable rates-fair enough to keep you protected and give you peace of mind each time you invest into a property.

For more information about real estate lawyers in Calgary, click here.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Responsibilities of Real Estate Lawyers in Calgary

There comes a time in every homeowner’s life when he or she would need the services of a real estate lawyer.  In Calgary, these attorneys come a dime a dozen, so it’s up to you to separate the reliable from the unreliable and do your homework when making this important decision.  Here’s a list of some of these lawyers’ responsibilities and what it could mean to you.

Downtown Calgary
A skilled real estate lawyer can help explain any contract to you in layman’s terms.  Contracts generally are written in highfalutin Legalese, and filled with terms that non-lawyers don’t use in their everyday conversation.  Real estate lawyers in Calgary will read these contracts, analyze them, and break everything down so you don’t have to be running to grab your dictionary or frantically looking for a website that explains the big terms for you.  Also, they can verify ownership and other pertinent details when it comes to buying a home.

They can also help you if you are sued by another party.  On the other hand, you may be the one filing a lawsuit against somebody who reneged on his/her payment promises or misrepresented the house you wanted to buy.  By having a standout Calgary real estate lawyer represent you in court, you can emerge unscathed from most any legal wrangle.

Lastly, real estate lawyers in Calgary can assist if your home faces the threat of being foreclosed.  If you’ve fallen back on your mortgage payments, a good lawyer can crunch the numbers and come up with a feasible loan modification that could help you catch up again.

For more information on Law Boutique's legal services for residential and commercial real estate, click here.